Photo of Adriana Lanni Venezuela

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TRAINING: Adriana Lanni born in Maracaibo, Venezuela on May 21, 1981. He began studying art education at an early age at the Conservatory of Music in Maracaibo "José Luis Paz" and the College of Fine Arts Neptalí Rincon between 1985 and 1992. 1997/1998: Make the Drawing and Painting at the School of Visual Arts "Julio Arraga" of Maracaibo. At 16 he enrolled in the School of Design at...

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19.69 x 27.56 in
24.02 x 33.46 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
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Photo of Adriana Lanni Venezuela

TRAINING: Adriana Lanni born in Maracaibo, Venezuela on May 21, 1981. He began studying art education at an early age at the Conservatory of Music in Maracaibo "José Luis Paz" and the College of Fine Arts Neptalí Rincon between 1985 and 1992. 1997/1998: Make the Drawing and Painting at the School of Visual Arts "Julio Arraga" of Maracaibo. At 16 he enrolled in the School of Design at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zulia, Maracaibo, where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in graphic design. In 1998 he founded Neopost, design studio which has served as an illustrator and creative director. 1998/1999: Tutorials on the use of color, materials and techniques in the art, by artist Pedro Piña. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Make a workshop on "Quality Assessment Chart." Instructor: Norberto Chávez. Industrial Design Institute in Havana. Cuba. 2002/2003: She volunteers for Visual Thinking Program (VPP). Social-educational program of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), the Fundación Cisneros and the National Art Gallery (NAG) for the Fine Arts Center, Ateneo de Maracaibo. 2004: Free Course Drawing and Painting School National Arts "Julio Arraga" with artist Marcos Cardenas. He also participated in various congresses, conferences and forums in Venezuela, Cuba and Spain. He works as a designer for Plus (creative studio) and in parallel develop their work on his own. 2005: Gets the FIRST National Competition for the image of the Ministry of Culture (replaced by a Panare Ethnicity design taken from a book). 2007: Attended Workshop painting artist Hernan Alvarado at the Experimental School Art at the University of Zulia. FEDA. 2008: Participate in the workshop "Creating the Edge" with artist Consuelo Méndez. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. MACZUL. Ministry of Culture. Venezuela. / Permanent Dialogue Meeting Street art. "Public Space, ephemeral art and memory." Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermudez.


  • 2008: AWARD HALL OF Palavecino. 18 Annual Visual Arts Exhibition Hector Rojas Meza. Ateneo de Cabudare. Edo. Lara.
  • 2008: FIRST PRIZE. VI CEVAZ Emerging Artists Exhibition. Centro Venezolano Americano de Maracaibo.
  • 2007: Honorable Mention. III Regional Exhibition of Young Artists. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia.
  • 2003: FIRST PRIZE. Exhibition of posters for the First International Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Maracaibo" Fine Arts Center, Ateneo de Maracaibo.
  • 2002: FIRST PRIZE. Competition "College Student Day." Design category. Cultural Department of the University of Zulia.


2009: PARALLEL UNIVERSE. CEVAZ Gallery. Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia CEVAZ. Maracaibo.


2009: contemplate. Dialogue Ecological. Art Center Maracaibo Lia Bermudez "CAMLB. Maracaibo. 2009: Mentioned. Art Kingdom. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. MACZUL. 2009: Black and White. IV Zuliano Contemporary Arts Collective. Fine Arts Center, Ateneo de Maracaibo. 2009: 8th. International Meeting of Contemporary Art. Evening of Santa Lucia. Maracaibo - Venezuela. 2008: V Biennale of Visual Arts "City of Maracaibo. 2008: 18 Annual Visual Arts Exhibition Hector Rojas Meza. Ateneo de Cabudare. Edo. Lara. 2008: IV Regional Exhibition of Painting. Fine Arts Center, Ateneo de Maracaibo. 2008: 4th. Regional Salon of Young Artists. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia MACZUL. 2008: 3rd. National Symposium "Young Artists with FIAAM." Fine Arts Center - University of Maracaibo. 2008: Nineteen now, Young Artists from the Zulia. Ateneo de Aroa. Edo. Yaracuy. 2008: VI CEVAZ Emerging Artists Exhibition. Centro Venezolano Americano de Maracaibo. 2008: Nineteen now, Young Artists from the Zulia. Art Gallery "Jorge Arteaga." Ateneo de Cabudare, Edo. Lara. 2008: "Treatment in D Major" (Alberto Asprino) / "The workshop Matisse Red" (Hernán Alvarado). 8th. International Meeting of Contemporary Art. Evening of Santa Lucia. Maracaibo - Venezuela. 2007: First International Festival of the Earth. Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermudez. 2007: III Certamen Mayor of Arts and Letters: Chapter Visual Arts. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. MACZUL. 2007: Art Kingdom 12. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. 2007: VIII Biennial Painting "San José de la Matilla. 2007: Salvador Valero IX Bienal de Arte Popular. Museum Salvador Valero. Edo. Trujillo. 2007: III Regional Show of Young Artists. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. 2003: Group Exhibition "Artists II Meeting with the Bridge and the Lake." Francisco Chamber Hung, Know Your Bridge Cultural Complex. San Francisco-Edo. Zulia. 2003: "Fourth Block" 5ta.Trienal Graphic Arts International. Fourth Block Museum, Gallery Kharkov, Ukraine. 2003: Exhibition of posters for the First International Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Maracaibo" Fine Arts Center, Ateneo de Maracaibo. 2002: EKOPLAGAT 02. " Ans Povazska Umení / Museum of Art Zilina. Slovakia. 1998: Collective of students from the School of Design of Light. Art Center Maracaibo Lia Bermudez. "

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